Episode Information

Children of the Inquisition - Part II

Part II of CHILDREN OF THE INQUISITION takes us from 1492 to present day. Jews fleeing the 1492 Expulsion migrated all over the world looking for safe havens. Some traveled to more tolerant areas of Italy and from there headed to Austria and then Eastern Europe. Some took on new identities while others retained their Jewish identity. The Ottoman Sultan Beyazid II welcomed them to live, work and worship in his ever-growing empire. They flourished until WWII when the Nazis murdered over 50,000, whose families had thrived under Muslim rule for 500 years. As converts, many settled the New World, often losing their religion but keeping their traditional customs. When the Inquisition came to Mexico, many fled up the Rio Grande to what is now the American Southwest. A boat of Jews fleeing the Inquisition in Brazil founded the first Jewish community in New York City. By the end we learn how interrelated we all really are.

Series Website: http://www.childrenoftheinquisition.com/

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