Nature Cat - Kingdom of Rotting Log/Can You Dig It?
Kingdom of Rotting Log - Sound the royal horns! Baa-baaa-baaaa! Today, Nature Cat, Squeeks, Hal and Daisy want to build their royal castle in the woods, for a day of royal play! But the build doesn't go so smoothly because there is a rotting log in the way of where they want to put their castle. In trying to remove the log, our gang finds out how important rotting logs are. Can You Dig It? - Today, Nature Cat and his pals look to answer question number 73 on Nature Cat's Nature Curiosity List: if they keep digging a hole deeper and deeper, where will they end up? With the help of Daisy's homemade Earthbreaker One machine and their imaginations, our gang goes onward and downward, through the earth, and winds up somewhere very surprising.
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