Episode Information

Nature Cat - Mighty Mountain Climbers/Bug Eating Plants!

Mighty Mountain Climbers - On a dare from Ronald, Nature Cat and his pals try to climb all the way up to The Mighty Mountain Peak. They get all the supplies they need, and head out, led by Nature Cat. But they soon find out that hiking up a mountain is hard, and poses many problems no matter how prepared you are. Will they make it all the way to the peak?! Bug Eating Plants! - A super excited Squeeks shows her brand-new, homemade comic "Bug Eating Plants of The Swamp!" to her pals. As Squeeks begins to read the story, we see this action packed adventure played out, as tiny Nature Cat, Hal, Daisy and Squeeks must make their way through the swamp while trying to stay away from the Bug Eating Plants, which proves difficult for Tiny Hal!

Series Website: http://pbskids.org/naturecat/

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