Episode Information

Nature Cat - Enter The Dragonfly/Water Woes

Enter the Dragonfly - Nature Cat and his pals are assembled in Ye Olde Kingdom of the Backyard to play. The Knights of Nature! Huzzah! When Ronald sees their shiny Knights of Nature helmets, he's entranced and wants one of his own. But not so fast, Ronald! Nature Cat explains that in order to wear a helmet, Ronald must become a Knight of Nature by going on a quest, and his quest is to find a dragonfly! Huzzah! Water Woes - Whaaaat?! Daisy's whole garden isn't looking so good. The plants are all droopy and way smaller than last year. Daisy explains that the reason is because they are in a drought, which means it hasn't rained in a while. And since it hasn't rained, her rain barrel, which she uses to water her plants, is totally empty. Even other woodland creatures are thirsty and looking for water because of the drought. Man oh man! Nature Cat and the gang have to do something to help, but they can't make it rain! What they can do is learn to conserve water! Hooray!

Series Website: http://pbskids.org/naturecat/

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