Episode Information

Arthur - Muffy's Classy Classics Club/Best Enemies

Muffy's Classy Classics Club - Muffy buys all of the pretty books and pretty dolls in the Pretty Pioneers series, and invites her friends to join a pretty book club. But she can't take their criticisms that the books are, well, rather poorly written. Will the book club disband or can Muffy open up to new literary experiences? Best Enemies - Mom has new clients coming over and they have a daughter who is D.W.'s age....and her name is even W.D.! They're going to be the best of friends! Turns out, no. They don't have anything in common. So D.W. and W.D. work together to convince their parents that they'll just never get along...and somehow, have a lot of fun in the process.

Series Website: http://pbskids.org/arthur

Recent and Upcoming Airings

11.35/22 5:00 am 11.15/22 4:30 pm