Arthur - The Blackout/Mei Lin Takes A Stand
The Blackout - It's the hottest day in Elwood City, when a total blackout leaves its residents without any electricity. Will Arthur and DW survive without AC and TV? Luckily, the Molina family steps in to teach the Reads a lesson on how to keep cool and have fun as a community even under the toughest of weather conditions! Mei Lin Takes a Stand - Binky's baby sister Mei-Lin isn't keen on learning to walk and would rather stick to crawling. But then Baby Kate and Pal's flea friends, brothers Sale and Pepe, return to Elwood City and share a tale of a little princess in the land of "Hanzan-Niis" who learns to walk in order to save her beloved court jester. Will Mei Lin be inspired to take a stand or continue to stumble?
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