Nature Cat - Animal Rescue Crew/Nature of Dreams
When Nature Cat and his pals spend the day playing Wild Animal Rescue, they come across a little baby fox with a cut on its front paw. Oh no! The little baby fox is injured and needs help. Looks like it is time to call the greatest animal rescuer in the whole wide world, Racer the Rescue Raccoon. Good golly, hello dolly! / What a bummer! Sadie hurt her paw and now she has to wear a cone and sit in her apartment for a whole month while it heals. Doctor's orders! Now, Sadie can't go to the nature playground across the street and watch all of her favorite bugs and birds. The gang feels so badly for her, and Hal wishes there was a way to bring nature to her while she's healing. That's it! Hal's a genius. Maybe there is a way to bring the bugs and birds to Sadie's balcony. Onward and cityward!
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11.12/18 11:30 am 11.12/18 5:00 pm