Molly of Denali - Eagle Egg Hunt/Dream Tube
When a gust of wind spins a wildlife camera away from an eagle's nest on hatching day, Molly and Dad head to the Windsong Wildlife Area on an ATV to fix it. Unfortunately, none of the camera locations on their map are labeled. Will they have time to check each camera and find the Eagle Cam before the baby birds hatch? / Molly and friends have their eye on a spectacular water tube for sale at the Trading Post, but they don't have enough money to buy it. Fortunately, there is money to be found on the riverfront in the form of agate stones! Unfortunately, the kids have no idea how to price and sell them. But they better find out soon, because Auntie Midge has her eye on the tubular tube too!
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11.13/20 12:00 pm