Episode Information

Growing A Greener World - The Year-Round Gardener (Nova Scotia)

When it comes to year-round vegetable gardening, Niki Jabbour wrote the book. She easily earned the Year-round Badge of Honor by living in one of the most unlikely places - Halifax, Nova Scotia. There, the first frost of the year shows up about mid-October and frigid temperatures persist typically until mid-May. Yet, Niki harvests fresh produce from her garden 365 days a year. Host, Joe Lamp'l visits Niki in her garden to uncover many tips we can each use to extend or get more out of our growing seasons. Local Angle: Although this show features a Nova Scotia gardener and garden, the concept of cold-climate gardening applies to many northern cities in the United States. Guest host, Niki Jabbour's time tested tips can be applied in many growing regions of the U.S to extend the seasons and maximize the bounty.

Series Website: http://www.growingagreenerworld.com

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