Episode Information

Arthur - The A Team/Emily Swallows A Horse

The "A" Team - Francine and Brain are the best players on the soccer team and, well, sometimes they wish their teammates could take the game a bit more seriously. So when they make the Elwood City All- Stars Traveling Team, they're as happy as they could be. Ore are they? Is winning really everything - or is there something about playing with friends that can't be beat. Emily Swallows a Horse - Emily really wants the sparkly ball D.W. justfound, so she tells a little white lie about how Marie-Helene actually gave it to her. No harm done, right? But then Emily has to tell even bigger lies to cover her story! Will she be like that old woman in the fairy tale, who had to swallow the horse to eat her lie... er, fly?

Series Website: http://pbskids.org/arthur

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