Episode Information

Jack Taylor: The Enterprise -

Jack Taylor heeded his country's call after the attack on Pearl Harbor drew the United States into World War II. In 1942, he enlisted at the age of 20 and served as a decorated Navy Hellcat pilot in the skies over the South Pacific. Then, like so many others of the "Greatest Generation," Jack returned home to raise his family and start a business. The lessons he learned in the Navy - including the values of integrity, hard work, and team spirit - helped shape his personality. They also made their mark on the company he founded in his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri in 1957: Enterprise Rent a Car. He named his new business after one of the aircraft carriers he served on, the most decorated American ship in WWII: the USS Enterprise. JACK TAYLOR: THE ENTERPRISE, narrated by Gary Sinise, is the story of a World War II veteran's service during the war, and the lessons he carried home as he established one of America's most successful post-war companies.

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11.312/28 5:00 am