Episode Information

Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan - Being Well in the Modern World

Kelly introduces the season by sitting down with Dr. Atul Gawande, Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, and Dr. Dani Dumitriu to discuss mental health and well-being in America today. They speak on three principal factors that play a role in shaping our wellness: nature (our genetics), nurture (the environment we're raised in), and choice (healthy behaviors we do or don't engage in on a regular basis). Our experts add an important caveat that our choices occur within a context. And that context is constantly changing, evolving and shaping our choices, whether we're aware of it or not.

Series Website: https://www.pbs.org/show/tell-me-more-kelly-corrigan/

Recent and Upcoming Airings

11.26/16 6:00 pm 11.26/17 4:00 am 11.26/20 4:00 am 11.26/20 10:00 am