Membership FAQ

Contact Information

What is KTWU’s Phone Number?

Our phone number is 800-866-5898.

Does KTWU sell or exchange my mailing address?

No. KTWU will never sell, exchange, or lease our membership list to any organization or entity.


What is a Sustainer?

A Sustaining Membership is a monthly gift to KTWU that you can pay in a convenient and ongoing way. Each month, KTWU will charge your credit or debit card or withdraw from your checking account the amount you specify. Your Sustaining Membership will automatically continue unless you choose to cancel or change it.

What benefits are there to becoming a Sustainer?

Automatic renewal of your annual membership.
More of your dollars go to the programs you value.
Becoming a Sustainer is convenient and efficient.

Program Guides

My program guide didn’t arrive.

Please contact KTWU at 785-670-1111 or call toll free 800-866-5898 for a replacement.

You can also view, print or download the monthly guide.

See our updated schedule information.

Update Your Personal Data

How do I update my credit card or EFT data?

Please contact us at 785-670-1111 to update information. To keep your information secure, please do not leave credit card or EFT information on voicemail or send in email.  Please leave your name, address and phone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

How do I update my address or other contact data?

If you move or need to change any contact information, please use our change of address form.

PBS Passport

How do I activate my Passport?

When your donation has been processed you will receive your Passport activation instruction email. Please note this process can take 48 to 72 hours, as our location is closed on weekends.

Download Passport Instructions

Thank-you Gifts

When will my thank-you gift or pledged on gift arrive?

A paid in full Thank You gift is usually delivered to you in 6 to 8 weeks, depending on availability.

If you have selected a monthly payment option, then your Thank You Gift will be ordered when 50% of your pledge has been paid. The same 6 to 8 week shipping time, depending upon on availability; would apply.

Please send us an e-mail with any further concerns about your delivery.


When will my MemberCard information arrive via email?

The KTWU MemberCard app is a member benefit, as well as a Thank You for your donation of $75 or more.  Your information email will be sent by within two weeks of receiving your donation.  If you have questions regarding the Membercard app, please send us an e-mail at


Where can I purchase KTWU products?

Visit the KTWU Store for a selection of station programs and merchandise.

Membership Contributions

When will my membership be due for renewal?

Your membership lasts for a full year. You will receive a Renewal reminder by mail. Consider becoming a sustainer to cut down on Renewal mail.

Is my contribution tax deductible?

Contributions to KTWU are tax deductible as provided by law. However, any deduction must be reduced by the fair market value of any gift you receive except for the program guide and MemberCard, which are excluded under present guidelines.

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