Planned Gifts
Gift Planning is a means of leaving your legacy through KTWU.
Gifts are typically funded with cash, securities, or property, and provide for a long-term partnership between donors and this local public television station. Planned gifts provide not only important support for the recipient but valuable tax benefits to the donor as well.
The impact of a planned gift can be increased through early communication with the donor. Knowing of intentions to provide support ahead of time allows for important conversations regarding gift directions and area(s) of donor interest.
Opportunities for Impact
Bequest: Designate KTWU as the beneficiary of your will, living trust, or other estate plan document.
Life Insurance: A gift of a life insurance policy can be a mutually beneficial gift. Consider designating KTWU as either the beneficiary or the owner of the policy, each option offering unique tax advantages while furthering the impact of public television.
Retirement Plans: A gift of your retirement assets, such as an IRA, 401k, 403b, pension, or other tax deferred plan, is a simple and tax wise way to make a gift.
Charitable Remainder Trust: Your cash or appreciated property is transferred to fund a charitable remainder trust. The trust sells your property tax free and provides you with income for life or a defined term of years.
Life Estate: A life estate gift allows you to leave your home or farm to KTWU upon death, and still receive a current charitable tax deduction.
Assets to Consider
Cash: A gift of cash is a simple and easy way to have an impact on public television in this area.
Charitable IRA Rollovers: Gifts through a charitable IRA can reduce your tax bill while supporting KTWU. Charitable IRA rollovers count toward your IRA required minimum distribution for the year. They are great options for:
- Donors who don’t itemize their deductions.
- Donors whose social security benefits are subject to income taxation.
- Donors who are subject to surtaxes on net investment income.
- Donors who are paying higher than standard Medicare premiums.
Learn more about rolling over your IRA.
Stocks and Bonds: Securities, including stocks or bonds, are an easy way to make a gift. Donors can avoid capital gains tax typically incurred by selling these assets by making a gift of appreciated securities.
Real Estate: A gift of real property, such as your home, vacant land, farm or ranch land, a vacation home, or a commercial property, can make a wonderful gift. Avoid paying capital gains tax by making a gift of real estate to the KTWU.
There are many opportunities to support KTWU. As you consider your charitable possibilities, please know we are here to provide any information that can be of assistance to you and your professional advisors. To request further information or assistance from Betty Lou Pardue, our major and planned gift specialist, please complete the contact information boxes below. She will reach out to you directly upon your submission.