Series Information

The Medicine Line

Cinematographer Dave Gaudet takes a fantastic road trip that zigzags back and forth across the border and throughout North America to discover the art and history of Aboriginal peoples. In each episode of THE MEDICINE LINE, Dave meets, explores, or interviews two fascinating new characters, events, or places - one from Canada and one from the USA. Then using his skills as a cinematographer, he'll capture the subjects and showcase them for the world. In each chapter of this epic adventure, Dave learns that from perspective of human oneness, national boundaries don't exist at all.

Recent and Upcoming Airings

A Rolling Stone 11.312/3 6:30 pm
Dance Art 11.31/7 6:30 pm
Images of the Ages 11.31/14 6:30 pm
Legacy In Stone 11.31/28 6:30 pm
Resistance 11.31/21 6:30 pm
Space 11.312/10 6:30 pm
The Haunt 11.312/17 6:30 pm