Series Information

Wolf Joe

This exciting and brand-new animated series for 3 to 6-year olds follows Joe, a young First Nations boy who, with his two best friends, Nina and Buddy, has fun-filled, kid-friendly adventures in the beautiful northern Canadian Indigenous community of Turtle Bay. Through superhero role-play, Joe, Nina and Buddy are inspired and empowered by the universal values of The Seven Teachings Wheel and the spirit animals of Wolf, Lynx and Bear that connect them to their culture. On completing every challenge, they are rewarded with a deeper understanding of these teachings in a fun way that will resonate with kids all around the world. Welcome to the world of WOLF JOE: a journey of heritage, heroism, and strength of community. It's a kid-nature team up like no other!

Recent and Upcoming Airings

As The Crow Flies / Braver Together 11.33/18 10:30 am
Beach Movie Night / Stormy Weather 11.32/6 10:30 am
Best Day Ever 11.32/18 10:30 am
Buddy On Target / Smudge Search Party 11.32/11 10:30 am
Dark Zone / Ready Set Go 11.32/20 10:30 am
Finders Keepers / Puppy Pile 11.33/25 10:30 am
Jingle Dress Mess / Crabby Apples 11.33/23 10:30 am
Maymay Fishing / Dance of the Wawatay 11.32/27 10:30 am
Minding The Store / Bearly Prepared 11.32/23 10:30 am
Operation Clean Up / Smudge on the Run 11.32/4 10:30 am 11.33/30 10:30 am
Power of Three / Painting Party 11.32/2 10:30 am 11.33/27 10:30 am
Skunk Den Do-Over / Little Bear Chief 11.33/6 10:30 am
Speed Skater / Turtle Bay Show 11.33/4 10:30 am
Spirit Fort / Buddy The Leader 11.32/13 10:30 am
Team Supreme / Birthday Surprise 11.33/11 10:30 am
The Big Bannock Bake /The Pied Piper of Turtle Bay 11.33/2 10:30 am
The Big Game / A Berry Good Adventure 11.33/16 10:30 am
Thunder Lake Monster / Package Run 11.33/13 10:30 am
Toboggan Run / Maple Snow Cones 11.32/25 10:30 am
Turtle Bay Bike Rally / Who Is Nagamo? 11.33/20 10:30 am
Turtle Bay Flyers / Making Tracks 11.33/9 10:30 am
Turtle Bay Radio / Missing Moccasin 11.32/9 10:30 am
Turtle Trek / Butterfly Release Party 11.32/16 10:30 am