Louis Says
LOUIS SAYS follows the adventures of Randy, an imaginative six-year-old boy who helps his community under the guidance of Louis, a kind-hearted Cree elder. Louis speaks mostly Cree which Randy doesn't fully understand, so before he can help anyone, Randy has to figure out the meaning of the traditional words, and this requires patience that he doesn't always have! Randy and his best friend Katie are learning as they go, and everything that Louis Says helps them both to grow! Each episode in Louis Says features stories that resonate with children and reinforce important values such as patience, respecting elders, helping others and teamwork.
Recent and Upcoming Airings
A Paint Job / Let It Snow 11.310/5 11:00 am
Dare to Get The Bear / Beading Stars 11.39/23 11:00 am
Digging for Dinosaurs / Some Kind of Syrup 11.310/2 11:00 am
Fairy Tale / Tropical Paradise 11.39/7 11:00 am 11.310/23 11:00 am
Goodbye Clutter / Count On Anne 11.39/28 11:00 am
Iced Tea / Fluffy Slippers 11.39/16 11:00 am
It's Time for a Bath / Choose The Shoes 11.39/9 11:00 am 11.310/25 11:00 am
Kids Don't Go to Caves / The Perfect Log 11.39/4 11:00 am 11.310/19 11:00 am
Low Hanging Fruit / Disco Ball 11.39/18 11:00 am
Mixed Salad / Mrs. Charles Is A Superhero 11.310/7 11:00 am
Mr. Charles Builds A House / Poor Porcupine 11.310/14 11:00 am
Mr. Charles Wants to Sleep / Light Up The Party 11.310/16 11:00 am
No Hard Fillings / Sweet Jewelry 11.310/11 11:00 am
No Time for Stories / Stick to the Plan 11.39/25 11:00 am
Pots and Plants / High and Dry 11.39/11 11:00 am 11.310/26 11:00 am
Quiet Cheer / Scrambled Words 11.310/12 11:00 am
Rubber Duckie / Buckle Up 11.39/20 11:00 am
Shield from the Truth / Moved by the Music 11.39/13 11:00 am 11.310/28 11:00 am
Skipping The Rope / Car Trouble 11.310/4 11:00 am
Stop and Smell The Roses / Coin Collection 11.39/14 11:00 am 11.310/30 11:00 am
The Big Pie Sale / Colors of the Quilt 11.39/27 11:00 am
The Birdhouse / Lost and Found 11.39/30 11:00 am
The Circus of Life / Musical Chairs 11.39/6 11:00 am 11.310/21 11:00 am
The Cold Truth / Mrs. Charles Bakes A Cake 11.39/2 11:00 am 11.310/18 11:00 am
The Wishing Well / Mother Earth 11.39/21 11:00 am
Wind and Water / Scary Garden 11.310/9 11:00 am
Dare to Get The Bear / Beading Stars 11.39/23 11:00 am
Digging for Dinosaurs / Some Kind of Syrup 11.310/2 11:00 am
Fairy Tale / Tropical Paradise 11.39/7 11:00 am 11.310/23 11:00 am
Goodbye Clutter / Count On Anne 11.39/28 11:00 am
Iced Tea / Fluffy Slippers 11.39/16 11:00 am
It's Time for a Bath / Choose The Shoes 11.39/9 11:00 am 11.310/25 11:00 am
Kids Don't Go to Caves / The Perfect Log 11.39/4 11:00 am 11.310/19 11:00 am
Low Hanging Fruit / Disco Ball 11.39/18 11:00 am
Mixed Salad / Mrs. Charles Is A Superhero 11.310/7 11:00 am
Mr. Charles Builds A House / Poor Porcupine 11.310/14 11:00 am
Mr. Charles Wants to Sleep / Light Up The Party 11.310/16 11:00 am
No Hard Fillings / Sweet Jewelry 11.310/11 11:00 am
No Time for Stories / Stick to the Plan 11.39/25 11:00 am
Pots and Plants / High and Dry 11.39/11 11:00 am 11.310/26 11:00 am
Quiet Cheer / Scrambled Words 11.310/12 11:00 am
Rubber Duckie / Buckle Up 11.39/20 11:00 am
Shield from the Truth / Moved by the Music 11.39/13 11:00 am 11.310/28 11:00 am
Skipping The Rope / Car Trouble 11.310/4 11:00 am
Stop and Smell The Roses / Coin Collection 11.39/14 11:00 am 11.310/30 11:00 am
The Big Pie Sale / Colors of the Quilt 11.39/27 11:00 am
The Birdhouse / Lost and Found 11.39/30 11:00 am
The Circus of Life / Musical Chairs 11.39/6 11:00 am 11.310/21 11:00 am
The Cold Truth / Mrs. Charles Bakes A Cake 11.39/2 11:00 am 11.310/18 11:00 am
The Wishing Well / Mother Earth 11.39/21 11:00 am
Wind and Water / Scary Garden 11.310/9 11:00 am