The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana
The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana is an anthology series that brings three ancient oral stories from Maori history to the screen for the first time. "TUATAHI-FIRST PEOPLE" Circa 850 AD, tells the story of a young mountain fairy and her changing relationship with her father, "TUARUA-ORIORI" Circa I500 AD, tells the story of two brothers on a dangerous spiritual journey, and "TUATORU-WHIRO" Circa 1769 AD, reveals the importance of love, loss and the rituals of honoring those passed and present.
Recent and Upcoming Airings
Tuarua-Oriori Circa 1500 Ad 11.312/15 7:00 pm 11.31/12 7:00 pm
Tuatahi-First People Circa 850 Ad 11.312/15 6:30 pm 11.31/12 6:30 pm
Tuatoru-Whiro Circa 1769 Ad 11.312/15 7:30 pm 11.31/12 7:30 pm
Tuatahi-First People Circa 850 Ad 11.312/15 6:30 pm 11.31/12 6:30 pm
Tuatoru-Whiro Circa 1769 Ad 11.312/15 7:30 pm 11.31/12 7:30 pm