Series Information

Tribal Elder Stories

Margaret's story is part of the Tribal Elder Stories program, a series from Cheyenne and Arapaho Television. Elder Margaret Behan has had an interesting life, to say the least. After overcoming alcohol addiction, Margaret discovered a desire and passion to generate public awareness of indigenous cultures. Her travels took her to India, Japan, and other lands where people yearned to hear about Native American culture. The series focuses on and celebrates the lives and accomplishments of community elders who among many examples, lived through historical struggles or triumphs, were celebrated for their military service, or worked tirelessly to preserve their Native languages. Elders like Chief Lawrence Hart, who was a Fighter Pilot for the US Marine Corps. Or Elder Theda Whiteman Benton who talks about the various relocations she had to endure as a child.

Recent and Upcoming Airings

Dr. Neyooxet Greymorning 11.310/1 2:00 pm 11.311/26 2:00 pm
Floyd Black Bear 11.310/22 2:00 pm
James Blackbear 11.311/5 2:00 pm
Margaret Behan 11.310/8 2:00 pm
Marie Whiteman 11.311/12 2:00 pm
Opal and Gerald Chavez 11.311/19 2:00 pm
Theda, Norma and Pat 11.310/29 2:00 pm
Virgil Surveyor 11.310/15 2:00 pm