Series Information

Elinor Wonders Why

Elinor Wonders Why encourages children to follow their curiosity, ask questions when they don't understand and find answers using science inquiry skills. The main character Elinor, the most observant and curious bunny rabbit in Animal Town, will introduce children ages 3-5 to science, nature and community through adventures with her friends.

Recent and Upcoming Airings

A Garden for All/Band of Explorers 11.13/14 11:00 am
A Little Help/Elinor's Meadow 11.12/25 11:00 am
A Moth Mystery/Just Peachy 11.13/13 11:00 am
Backyard Soup/Colorful and Tasty 11.12/20 11:00 am
Bird Song/No Need to Shout 11.12/5 11:00 am
Bubble House/The Syrup Tree 11.12/24 11:00 am
Burrowing Owl Girl/Olive's Tree 11.13/25 11:00 am
Butterfly Babies/Elinor's Circus 11.13/20 11:00 am
Clean Captain/The Moment of Tooth 11.13/10 11:00 am
Elinor's Fishy Friend/Do The Crane Dance 11.12/19 11:00 am
Elinor's Nest/Foody Fuel 11.12/6 11:00 am 11.13/26 11:00 am
Flower Power/The Snow Must Go On 11.13/3 11:00 am
Follow That Roly Poly/Rain, Rain Don't Go Away 11.13/7 11:00 am
Going with the Tide/Slime Time 11.13/5 11:00 am
Junior Ranger Elinor/Big Brother 11.12/17 11:00 am 11.13/31 11:00 am
Just Mist/Crayon Quest 11.12/3 11:00 am 11.13/19 11:00 am
Make Music Naturally/Light The Way 11.13/4 11:00 am
Mz. Mole's Glasses/Elinor Stops The Squish 11.12/11 11:00 am
Speed Racer/One of These Goats 11.12/18 11:00 am
Speedy Swimming/Strawberry Jam 11.13/27 11:00 am
Spice Is Nice/Aris Muscles 11.12/12 11:00 am 11.13/24 11:00 am
Tasty Rainbow/Olive Gets The Big Picture 11.12/27 11:00 am
Teacher's Day/The Nose Knows 11.13/17 11:00 am
The House That Ants Built/Special Places 11.12/21 11:00 am
The Lizard Lounge/Feathers 11.12/4 11:00 am
The Paper Trail/Bath Time 11.12/26 11:00 am
The Tomato Drop/Look What I Can Do 11.12/28 11:00 am
The Town Picnic/The Amazing Expandable Clubhouse 11.12/7 11:00 am
The Unsinkable Lynx/Rocky The Rock 11.12/10 11:00 am
The Violin Lesson/Flying High 11.13/12 11:00 am
These Sneezes/Ari's Lucky Shirt 11.13/6 11:00 am
To Bee Or Not to Bee/Turtle Crossing 11.13/28 11:00 am
Underground Soup/Dandy Dandelions 11.13/11 11:00 am
Water You Doing?/Thinking About Blinking 11.13/18 11:00 am
Wind in the Web/The Pokey Plan 11.12/13 11:00 am
Zig Zag Plant/Butterfly Drinks 11.13/21 11:00 am