Ways to Give
Gifts to KTWU can be made in a variety of convenient ways, including online, by phone, via mail, and in person. Your donations help to keep our station running and enable us to do more for the community. All donations to KTWU are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.
For more information on donating today, please review the methods below or contact our office at 785-670-1111, 1-800-866-KTWU (5898) or greg.simms@washburn.edu. Thank you for your support of KTWU PBS!

Become a Member
Become a PBS member by making a one-time, tax-deductible contribution, or for an even greater, more lasting impact enroll as a Sustaining Member by making an on-going contribution of a set amount with no pre-determined end date required. Automatic renewal of your membership means not having to deal with renewal notices, and spreading your support out over the year makes generosity easier on your budget.
- By Credit Card – We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover
- By Cash/Check – Currency, money orders, bank drafts and wire transfers are accepted, along with checks made payable to KTWU.
Mailing address is: KTWU, 1700 SW College Ave., Topeka, KS 66621.

Employer Matching Gift
You could double or even triple the amount of your donation, if your employer provides matching gifts. Many employers match dollar for dollar the charitable gifts their employees make. Your $100 contribution can easily turn into a $200 or even $300 gift with a match from your company.

Program & Event Sponsorships
- Promote and advertise your business by becoming the Underwriter of a program.
- Become a corporate sponsor of one of our station’s annual special events.
Public television is a great investment opportunity and provides excellent value for your business’ advertising and charitable giving dollars. Learn more about the benefits of becoming a sponsor for your business and your employees.

Non-Cash Gifts
- Securities such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
- Real estate, including both present and remainder interests.
- Tangible property or commodities such as automobiles or grain. Learn more about vehicle donations.
- Oil, gas, and mineral interests.

In-Kind Contributions
You and/or your business might be able to support KTWU by providing us with products or services we require throughout the year, thus enabling us to utilize the funds we would otherwise spend on these things toward another item or area of need. Examples could include:
- Printing and Copying Services
- Meal Donations
- Advertising through other mediums such as radio, vehicle wraps, etc.
- Equipment Maintenance and Replacement
In-Kind Gift proposals are evaluated by station management prior to acceptance. Contact our Director of Development (785-670-3175 or greg.simms@washburn.edu) to discuss your in-kind gift or services trade opportunity so we can determine what might work best for all parties involved.

Tribute Gifts
Honor or remember a special individual or group with a gift to KTWU. Learn more about the various ways to memorialize or pay special recognition to someone.

Planned Gifts
Make a lasting impact on KTWU and public television in your community through an estate gift. Gifts are typically funded with cash, securities, or property, and are a long-term partnership between donors and KTWU. This type of gift provides support across our entire broadcast coverage area, as well as valuable tax benefits to the donor. Opportunities to make an impact through planned gifts to KTWU include:
- Bequests through a will or trust.
- Designating KTWU as the beneficiary of a bank account, brokerage account, retirement plan or life insurance policy.
- Utilizing a gift model such as a charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, or charitable IRA rollover.
Learn more information about planned giving.

Daily Giving Opportunities
Support KTWU on an everyday basis with partnership organizations. Simply designate KTWU as the recipient through the related program(s) and you will donate on a regular basis. Initial set-up may be required.
Our featured daily giving opportunity is Dillons Community Rewards. Dillons are a group of Kansas-based supermarkets with headquarters in Hutchinson, KS that are part of the Kroger corporation.
After registering your Plus Shopper card, all you need to do is shop at Dillons and swipe your Plus Shopper Card at checkout.

Special Event Participation
KTWU hosts a few special events each year focused on revenue generation such as golf tournaments and a car show which are only successful through participation from the public. Learn more about this year’s events and how you can register to attend them.