Series Information

Travel & Delights

Chef Kelly Rangama takes us on a gastronomic road trip around the globe. Her Goal? Find the best products and recipes from overseas. On the way, this cooking prodigy goes out to meet traditional cooks and local producers sharing their passion and know-how. During her journey, Chef Kelly revisits local dishes with guests and involves young clerks. A human and tasty adventure!

Recent and Upcoming Airings

Achard De Bilimbis (Bilimbi Achars) 11.38/1 1:30 pm
Axoa De Veau (Veal Axoa) 11.38/6 1:30 pm
Bami 11.38/12 1:30 pm
Bebele De Marie Galante 11.37/17 1:30 pm
BOUDIN CREOLE ET GRATIN DE CHRISTOPHINES (Creole blood sausage and Christophines gratin) 11.37/22 1:30 pm
Canard A La Vanille 11.38/28 1:30 pm
Carry Langoustes (Lobster Carry) 11.37/24 1:30 pm
Carry Zourites (Zourite Carry) 11.37/23 1:30 pm
Cassaves 11.37/16 1:30 pm
Chao Men 11.38/19 1:30 pm
Chiquetaille De Morue (Cod Chiquetaille) 11.37/18 1:30 pm
CHOCOLAT COMMUNION ET PAIN AU BEURRE (chocolate and butter bread) 11.37/15 1:30 pm
ESCARGOTS BULIME DE L ILE DES PINS ( Bulimes snails from the Isle of the Pines) 11.38/22 1:30 pm
Gateau Patates Douces 11.38/27 1:30 pm
Gratin De Palmiste (Palm Heart Gratin) 11.37/31 1:30 pm
Kalawang 11.38/8 1:30 pm
La grande finale des Commis / The Grand Finale of the Commis Chefs 11.37/8 1:30 pm
La Soupe Z'habitant ('Z'habitants' Soup) 11.37/9 1:30 pm
La Tarte Ti'son ('Ti'son' Cake) 11.37/25 1:30 pm
Le Pate En Pot 11.37/11 1:30 pm
Le Trempage (Soaking) 11.37/10 1:30 pm
Macatias 11.37/29 1:30 pm
Malaolao 11.38/13 1:30 pm
Mama Brochettis 11.37/30 1:30 pm
Miroir A La Platebiere 11.38/7 1:30 pm
Paua'a 11.38/15 1:30 pm
Poe 11.37/5 1:30 pm
POISSON CRU LAIT DE COCO (Raw fish with coconut milk) 11.37/3 1:30 pm
Puaa 11.38/14 1:30 pm
Punu Pua Atoro 11.37/4 1:30 pm
Rougail Saucisses 11.38/29 1:30 pm
SALADE DE POISSONS A LA WALLISIENNE (Wallisian fish salad) 11.37/2 1:30 pm
SPECIALE SALON DES OUTRE MER (Overseas and Francophonie Convention Special) 11.38/26 1:30 pm
Tartare De Thon (Tuna Tartare) 11.38/21 1:30 pm
Terrine De Fruits De Mer (Seafood Terrine) 11.38/5 1:30 pm
Tourte D Ignames (Yam Pie) 11.38/20 1:30 pm
Umu 11.37/1 1:30 pm